WORDS & MUSIC: Earl P. Reinhalter
I. so long ago
I had a home
with water that
flowed hot and cold,
a roof and floor,
locks on the door,
a perfect home
for men growing old.
one morning
I saw time through my window.
a wagon train
with horses came
to ride to tomorrow.
II. a crazy man
they say I am
to leave my home
and ride the storm.
but I'd rather pain
of freezing rain
than freezing me
and riding the norm.
this morning
we saw life stabilizin'.
yesterday's air
drove us from there
to chase the horizon,
CHORUS A: to ride to tomorrow.
they may say
today is just made for you.
but don't forget tomorrow
we must build ourselves;
there's no time to lose.
ride to tomorrow.
III. the folks we pass
of ev'ry class
all smile and they
take our photograph.
they wave goodbye
and wonder why
they couldn't be
on the same path.
so long ago
I stood by the roadside.
but I couldn't now
that I know how
that feeling is inside
CHORUS B: ride to tomorrow.
they used to tell me,
"today is just made for you!"
but I found out tomorrow
we must build ourselves;
there's no time to lose.
ride to tomorrow!
© Copyright 1979 Earl P. Reinhalter. All Rights Reserved.